Campfire Muffins on a Stick?
Good morning, morning! This weekend, I made a fun, toasty treat on a marshmallow stick- mini muffins! The mini muffins were leftovers from home. I usually don’t prep food for camping- I don’t want to…
Frugal fun for the older but not yet extinct camper.
Good morning, morning! This weekend, I made a fun, toasty treat on a marshmallow stick- mini muffins! The mini muffins were leftovers from home. I usually don’t prep food for camping- I don’t want to…
Good morning! Recently, we camped. 90-97 degree temperatures were predicted and we still camped. Actually, it was a muggy, humid 94 degrees on that Saturday, but we were able to mostly enjoy a relaxing camping…
Good morning, morning! A morning campfire and a Pie Iron Breakfast Tortilla- what a great way to start a hot, hot weekend! Even though the predicted temperatures are 90-97 degrees, we decided to go camping…
Good morning! Good morning! At home, oatmeal is a quick, nutritious breakfast. It is easy: for 1 person, add ½ cup of old fashioned oats to 1 cup of heated water, simmer and stir for…
Good morning, morning! I want to share a delicious, filling camping breakfast from last fall-and can you believe it did not include bacon?! Pie Iron Leftover Potatoes and Eggs was quick and easy, and it…
Good morning! I love fall camping! The colorful fall leaves, the chilly temperatures, the need for an all-day fire! When it gets really chilly though, I would also like all-day warm drinks. I don’t drink…
Good morning! I have been so happy to camp and experiment over the campfire lately! It has been so fun! In fact, the youngest was able to bring a few friends camping, so my food…
Good morning! I hope this finds everyone healthy, safe and busy! Between the park closings and the hot weather, it seems like such a long time since we’ve been camping! Experimenting and cooking over the…
Good morning! I love fall camping. The crisp, early morning air is great with hot coffee and a campfire. I also love cooking breakfast over the campfire on crisp mornings: bacon and potatoes, hash brown…
Good morning! Actually, I hope you are having a great morning! We had a great weekend of canoeing, hiking and camping! And on Saturday, I was able to make a great breakfast over the campfire:…