Good morning! I am so happy- I was able to try a variation of Scrambled Breakfast Pie Irons on a recent camping trip!
Usually, I take ingredients to try 2-3 new campfire recipes or cooking experiments every time we go camping, but I rarely get them all done. Weather, hiking, relaxing, or even playing at the beach, can get in the way of campfire cooking. Some camping trips, I don’t try any new campfire recipes!
I have learned that it’s ok, though.

Other activities can make camping fun and relaxing for my family and me. So I don’t rush around trying new recipes.
If it fits in the schedule-great! If not- also great!
There will be other camping weekends to experiment over the fire. I’m trying to relax and not stress about getting everything done.
Early morning campfires are often when I can play and experiment, though. I am a morning person. When we camp, I get up and start my outside coffee and a fire, before most of my family is stirring.

I enjoy listening to the birds, reading by the fire and, occasionally, catching the sunrise colors. I also love the smell of breakfast cooking over the campfire.
On a recent camping trip, I missed the sunrise colors, but was able to try a dough variation of Scrambled Breakfast Pie Irons. I can’t believe I waited so long to try the regular Scrambled Breakfast Pie Irons. They are so tasty and so easy, even if I do need to make scrambled eggs first. I’m glad I didn’t wait as long to try the variation.
Not surprisingly, the variation using Bucket O’Bread dough, instead of sliced bread, was also great!
Since I didn’t have leftover bacon (and I was up early) I made bacon over the campfire in the deep skillet. It works great over the fire. I also made scrambled eggs in the camper microwave. It is easy to cook the scrambled eggs in a bowl, stirring every 30 seconds until the eggs are cooked. The 2 eggs I made were plenty for 4 pie irons.
Scrambled Breakfast Pie Irons, Bucket O’Bread Variation
Cooked scrambled eggs, 2-3 Tablespoons per sandwich
Leftover cooked bacon, crumbled or Ham, sliced or cubed, or Cooked leftover sausage pieces…or Leftover Cheddarwurst…….I made bacon since I can’t keep leftover bacon-even cold bacon disappears!
Cheese slices

For each pie iron sandwich, oil the top and bottom of the pie irons so the dough doesn’t stick. Pat out walnut size pieces of dough for a top and bottom crust, and place in pan.
I sprinkle a little flour on top of the dough before tearing off the walnut size pieces, it can be very sticky.
Put 2-3 Tablespoons of scrambled egg on the dough. Top with bacon and a ½ slice of cheese.
Lay the top crust over the filling, and then press edges with your fingers or a fork to seal.
The dough sandwiches will ‘rise and grow’ some, so they don’t have to be as full as pie iron sandwiches made with bread. The dough should all be enclosed in the pie iron cooker- none of it should be sticking out.

One of mine was just a little too full. It started out fine, with all the dough enclosed. But as it rose and cooked, the dough started coming out of the pie iron!
That was ok, it was easy to cut off the outside crust when it was done cooking. Still tasted great!
Cook the pie iron over the fire, on both sides, until the sandwich is golden brown and toasty. The cooking time will depend on the heat of the fire, but it is usually 5-10 minutes. I like our cast iron pie irons, because I can cook with them right in the flames when I am hungry. Though I always wait for the pie iron sandwiches to cool a bit before eating, they can be amazingly hot inside!

The Bucket variation of Scrambled Breakfast Pie Iron was a yummy way to start the day! I was able to enjoy my coffee and play over the campfire. Later, the family enjoyed the new breakfast.
Although I only tried 1 new campfire recipe, we were able to also enjoy a hike on that camping trip. I hope you can enjoy a relaxing time with family, too!
Happy Camping (or relaxing by the campfire!)
Frugal Campasaurus