The Frugal Campasaurus Monthly Newsletter

Good morning!   I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!   It’s hard to believe that it is a New Year already!  December went by so fast.   I hope you were able to enjoy the season and spend some time with family and friends.  We were able to, though sometimes I wish we lived closer to the nieces and nephews; there is never enough time to visit with everyone.

I was glad to add to my frugal stockpile this holiday.  Though, in an effort to be frugal and healthy, I bought more canned vegetables than chocolate chips.  It is a better choice, just not as yummy.

If you were looking for an easy Christmas project, I hope you checked out Easy, Frugal Christmas Wrapping Paper to Make.  It has two fun, quick ways to make wrapping paper, either by yourself or with your family.  If you didn’t have time to get it made for Christmas, it could be done in different colors for birthdays or even Valentine’s Day.  Red and pink marbling would look sooo pretty!

Actually, these projects inspired a new challenge for this year!   I hope you check out the blog on the 25th to find out what it is!   Hint:   I’m trying to overcome my fear of red and green projects that are not done in December.

I am also looking forward to sharing more camping recipes and tips with you this coming year.   Thankfully, I have some campfire experiments, recipes and pictures I didn’t use in the fall.  I’m glad I can share them now, while the snow is blowing around outside.  It is even too cold outside for me to have a fire!  Though, I can’t wait for a bonfire on maple syrup days.   Thank you for joining us at Frugal Campasaurus!

Happy Camping (or just dreaming about it, while the snow drifts out the window!)